for quiet some time lotto did not have a head, i mean, he had severall heads, but lotto knew they were not truly his. he only wore them, so humans would be less confused and recognize him as a beeing. humans are like that, he learned by experience, others dont really bother.
he also had no hands but hook like claws from metal wire. that was no problem, he could climb flowers easily, whos smell lotto enjoyed and he could carry screws and other peaces of metal, which was important because he worked for the european railyards coop as a screw collecter. That was hard work, but as humans say, honest work. he did not really understood what that ment.
so when lotto realized that there are other things you can do in live and that work might not be necessary -that might have been around that time lotto got a new old head- he became a rust gardener instead. it had been a hobby ever since, but he always limited it to few hidden and small places so it would only be his lonely pleasure to see how the colors of old things shift, how rust clods grew and wholes appeared who gave space for little water streams that would even nourish the process...
but what if the world could be his garden...

which other rusty colors could grow on unknown materials...
and also the chance to meet other rust gardeners, who had other strong recipies

all this drove him to decide to go traveling.